Current Projects

Planned Projects

Unity Turn Based Strategy

An intermediate tutorial featuring generic units, unit movement, unit controls, unit animations, a grid system, generic grid objects,
cinemachine (focusing in on an animating unit), unit actions, UI to select actions, action points (to limit number of actions),
a turn system, enemies, a health system, ragdolls, basic and complex enemy AI, pathfinding, level design, moving with pathfinding,
grenades, destructable objects, swords, refactoring of the input system, and possibly using a hex-grid or making multi-floors!
Date: 3/10/2024 - ??? (Planned - Spring) Dev Time: (Unfinished)

Kitchen Chaos (Multiplayer)

Date: (Planned - Late Winter, Early Spring)
Dev Time: (Planned - summer)(Unfinished)

Current Completed Work

Kitchen Chaos (Single Player)

Description: I followed a beginner/intermediate tutorial, , to create Kitchen Chaos!
Interesting project. I had gotten about a hour done, had a half-year "brick wall" of a mental block while still wanting to complete it,
then in late October I managed to consistently start work until it was completed!
It has a main menu, ability to exit the game, an intermediate loading screen into the game,
pause screen, (work on later)
(work on later)
Date: (date game was created)
Dev Time: 10/25/23 -> 12/5/23 -- 20 minutes of work per day
Video: (link to a youtube video)


Description: I followed a very basic beginner tutorial, (insert tutorial) , to make MadBirds!

Date: (date game was created)
Video: (link to a youtube video)

Clicker Game

Description: A tiny-scope clicker game I created to practice using C# to change data on Unity's UI and Buttons
I practiced
Date: (date game was created)
Video: (link to a youtube video)


Description: Practicing Unity by making pong. Uses Unity's old input system, hitboxes for the paddles, ,
Date: (date game was created)
Video: (link to a youtube video)

University Coursework

Golf Game

Description: A lightweight golf game. Uses Unity's physics, Cinemachine for the camera, and prefabs to build golf courses much easier
Has a main menu to select levels, UI to show number of hits and par for the course, and it (somewhat) supports mobile
Mobile controls need polish (selecting the power of the stroke) and mobile sensitivity of the camera needs severly toned down
I would have also liked to add a power bar indicator! Overall, given the time constraints, I made a decent minimal viable product and learned a lot
Date: (date game was created, 2021?)
Video: (link to a youtube video)
(link to a youtube video showing mobile)

Racing Game

Description: A simple racing game I made for a University project. Features Unity's old input system to control/steer the car via WSAD,
a figure-8 track, and triggers to keep track of if the player's car completed a lap
Uses Unity's physics engine and a simple force behind the car to make the car move
Date: (date game was created 2019?)
Video: (link to a youtube video)